Kuiper wears a red bandana and aviator goggles, like the dog from Fallout.

Fallout boy

when you’re being really productive but then oops a new Fallout game

I was going to do research for captions tonight (each one takes a couple of hours), but I’ve been too busy enjoying the dopamine hit of Fallout 76. ? I’ve mostly been playing on my own, but if anyone else is playing on PC and wants to team up, send me a DM. My only complaint so far is that there are no dog companions, which is historically unprecedented. Where’s my Dogmeat?? ?

Kuiper’s dad introduced me to Fallout about 5 years ago when we first started dating. I’d been sending him links to mid-century modern furniture on Craigslist, and he told me I might like the aesthetic of one of his favorite video games. He was right!

Little did he know that introducing me to Fallout 3 would lead to hundreds of mod installs (and reinstalls) on New Vegas, 3 video card upgrades, acquisition of a very cool lamp, and hosting a party for several hundred people for the release of Fallout 4 (the last is a story for another day.) ??? Fallout 76 is the first multiplayer game in the series, and I’m really excited that we can now play together.

Do you play video games? What are some of your favorites and what makes them special to you?

Original post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqMFbneDySL/

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